The Wild Woman's Circle™
Teacher & Practitioner Training

A Live Online Certification Course

Dates for 2026 coming soon!

Introducing our live Wild Woman’s Circle™ Online Teacher and Practitioner Training!

In this training, you will learn how to lead your own Wild Woman’s Circle™ so you can bring this timely work to the women of your community.

“The Wild Woman’s Way” is Michaela Boehm’s original body of work and draws from her decades of experience teaching women’s groups, her extensive 30k+ hours of counseling practice , and is rooted in her early training in a Kashmiri Shakta tradition of which she is now the lineage holder.


The Wild Woman’s Circle™ uses potent embodiment practices, women’s group exercises, and sacred rituals originally conceived by Michaela for her own women’s circles. The material is designed to provide you with a transformational immersion into this body of work, as both participant and teacher.
Our live online The Wild Woman’s Circle™ training offers new in-depth experiential engagement and enable you to teach, either freestanding (as a weekly or monthly circle) or as an adjunct to other modalities.
The training provides you the turn-key blueprint for an entire The Wild Woman’s Circle™ series, including in-depth training on how to create a safe container for deep practice and business insight gleaned from 20+ years of teaching.
We have added new material and exercises specifically compatible with both the online learning environment and in-person groups. We will teach you how to create community and a strong container within Zoom calls, and will specifically train you on how to offer a potent and seamless online experience.
Learning this potent set of tools will enable you to powerfully explore the realms of women’s practice. This material serves as a means to radically deepen your personal understanding of traversing and immersing into the feminine realms, as well as furnish you with the tools to guide others.
While this program is designed as a teacher training, many participants have taken it as a means to deepen their own personal practice and gain deeper experiential understanding of Michaela’s body of work.
The training is designed to offer you an immersive experience in the comfort of your home. You will receive live instruction from Michaela and Steve, immersive class experiences, in-depth lectures, teaching scripts, and more.
The Wild Woman’s Circle™ training is taught as 4 live interactive online modules, for 42 hours total, and offered in two time streams to fit Europe, Australia, Asia and US time zones. You can find detailed timing and descriptions below.


This training is by application only, please apply here.


12 Live Lectures with Michaela and Steve
Receive in-depth understanding of the WWC method and its underpinnings, trauma informed facilitation, practical teaching instruction from scripts to proper containment and more.
8 Breakout Room Experiential Sessions
Connect with an international cohort of participants in experiential breakout sessions designed to deepen your experience of the method as well as its facilitation.
4 WWC Embodiment Practices
Experience and teach 4 distinct WWC Embodiment Practices. Learn how to sequence and connect them for the most effective class flow.
7 Live Q&A Sessions
Each day offers an opportunity to interact live with Michaela and Steve and have your personal questions answered.
4 WWC Themed Check-ins
Gain a deep understanding on how to facilitate connection, containment and practice through the check-in process.
Online Class Portal
As part of this training you will have access to a comprehensive online portal with class materials, resources and bonus videos.
16 Experiential WWC Sessions
Gain a deep embodied understanding of the modalities for your personal development and as a facilitator.
Private Facebook Group
Receive ongoing support with feedback from Michaela and Steve and connect with an international network of peers.
4 WWC Rituals
Experience and teach 4 distinct WWC Rituals. Learn how to sequence and connect them for the most effective class flow.
Bonus Materials
As part of this program you will receive access to additional instructional videos, music playlists, business and in-between class support. Plus you receive 50% off all in-person/live online events hosted by Michaela for a year!
4 WWC Interactive Practices
Experience and teach 4 distinct WWC Group Practices. Learn how to sequence and connect them for the most effective class flow.
Turn Key Scripts
Receive detailed teaching scripts and turn-key class formats

What is the “Wild Woman’s Way”?

“The Wild Woman’s Way®” is Michaela’s body of work drawn from her decades of counseling and teaching women’s groups as well as from her training in a female Shakta tradition, of which she is now the lineage holder.

Her bestselling book “The Wild Woman’s Way” serves as a manual for navigating the demands of a busy life while staying connected to pleasure, joy and self-expression. 

The Wild Woman’s Circle™ expands on the themes of the book by offering in-depth engagement with the body, supporting emotional wellness and fostering deeper connection with self and others. This training provides education, inspiration, practical exercises and take home experiences for living as a sensually embodied woman in today’s world.

“Never before have we as women in the West had more opportunity, more choice, and more freedom. Granted, we still have a long way to go, yet compared to any other time in history, we have the greatest options and choices to forge our own paths and determine our own destinies. At the same time, with these opportunities come new challenges and distinct difficulties: the demands of life have created high levels of stress, pressure, disconnect, discomfort, and dis-ease in women.

As women we are now, more than ever, able to have the career we want, we can make our own money, choose our relationships and have the freedom to determine when and if we want children. Yet, our connection to ourselves, to pleasure, to nature and our intimate relationships has suffered. We are ever more disconnected from our biggest ally -the body- and as a result are missing out on a powerful natural resource for aliveness, pleasure and empowerment.“ 

-Excerpt from “The Wild Woman’s Way” book





The Wild Woman’s Circle™ Teacher Training draws from Michaela’s decades of professional experience of leading women’s group as well as her 1-on-1 counseling work in the field of trauma and relationship. Her vast expertise of leading and creating experiential workshops combined with her lineage training infuse the embodiment practices, women’s group exercises and ritual you will practice and receive scripts for.

This training is also an invitation for you – to remember the innate wisdom of the body – not defined by looks and shapes and sizes, but the living, feeling body as a portal to unlocking who you truly are.

You will experience the course material, guided by Michaela as a means to deepen your own embodied understanding, which will allow you to teach it with an embodied depth that inspires trust and relaxed resonance in your participants.

You will learn how to create a strong container in which the nervous system of each participant can relax into the exploration of feminine embodiment, inspiring full bodily expression, deepening relationship to pleasure and intimacy, and effectively counteract stress and trauma in the body.

What you will learn in this training
A deep embodied understanding of Michaela Boehm’s The Wild Woman’s Circle™ and how to guide other women using this powerful approach.
How to foster community and cultivate heart openness in yourself and other women through practical exercises and techniques.
How to facilitate a powerful Wild Woman’s Circle (online and in-person) that allows for the unique expression of each participant.
The underlying principles of women’s practice, embodiment, and somatic principles.
Tools and principles to create a safe container for exploration and practice.
Understanding of general teaching principles and how to facilitate each participant’s individual journey.
Practical exercises and techniques that will give you a turn-key class format for your own events.
Detailed teaching scripts and in-depth class flow instruction.

Schedule & Curriculum

This 4-module online training starts in 2026!


Module 1: New dates for 2026 coming soon!

Module 2: New dates for 2026 coming soon!

Module 3: New dates for 2026 coming soon!

Module 4: New dates for 2026 coming soon!


Each training day is 6 hours for a total of 42 hours of live training.
Each module is available in two time streams to accommodate your timezone/location.

You can choose whichever time stream best fits your needs. You’re also welcome to join the other time stream for extra practice and review.


Example of Time Streams to choose from:

Los Angeles | 5am-11am
London | 1pm-7pm
Amsterdam | 2pm-8pm
Melbourne | 11pm-5am   


Los Angeles | 1pm-7pm
London | 9pm-3am
Amsterdam | 10pm-4am
Melbourne | 7am-1pm


NOTE: There will be slight variations in some time zones based on daylight savings time changes through the training, you will receive the full detailed time stream info for all dates upon application.

Module Syllabus
Module 1

Introduction to the Course
The Method
Principles of Embodiment
What is Feminine Embodimentt

  • 8 Experiential WWC™ Sessions
  • 2 Live Q&As with Michaela and Steve
Module 2

Flavors of the Feminine
Best Practices for Facilitation and Containment
Check-in Process and Practice
Tools for Successful Online Teaching

  • 8 Experiential WWC™ Sessions
  • 2 Live Q&As with Michaela and Steve
Module 3

Teaching Philosophy
Voice Training
Class Flow

  • 6 Practical Teaching Sessions/ Breakout Rooms
  • Detailed Teaching Scripts
  • 2 Live Q&As with Michaela and Steve
Module 4
  • Certification Exams
  • Personalized Feedback
  • Barriers to Embodiment Lecture
  • Live Q&A with Michaela & Steve

Bonus Videos, Resources, Playlists, and Embodiment Classes on Your Online Portal

50% Discount on all Live/Live Online Events For an Entire Year

Business Support

Access to a Designated Certified Teacher Portal
All course materials plus the most up-to-date resources, images, logos and badges

A Live & Interactive Experience
This training has been designed to give you maximum accessibility and embodied learning in a live format. The modules are sequenced to offer you personal experience in the WWC™ methodology followed by training you how to safely and effectively facilitate, as well as in-depth background, underpinnings and wider applications of embodiment, practice and ritual within Women’s Circles
You will develop a deeper understanding and connection to your own body, emotions and mind. This training will also enable you to develop a personal practice and thus give you a deeply embodied access to teaching.
In addition to experiential sessions and lectures, you will have direct access to Michaela and Steve through daily Q&A sessions. All modules include an opportunity to connect with an international cohort of participants through breakout sessions and exercises.


Wild Woman’s Circle™ Principles


Engaging with the Energetics of a Woman’s Body

Even though each woman is built as a unique expression, with her own physiological and psychological makeup, and our personal history and programming determine how we each relate to our bodies, there are some principles that apply to all of us.
We use a framework Michaela calls “Energy Distribution,” which teaches us to pay attention to how our life force energy is distributed within our body at any given time. As women we are uniquely connected to our lower bodies. Power to create, instinct and our ability to feel pleasure (and procreate) sits in the lower part of our body.
Many women nowadays experience the gradual loss of connection to the feelings and sensations of their body, especially the lower body. With stress and overwhelm come numbness, maladaptive coping mechanisms (in the form of overeating, addictions, etc.), and disconnection.
When we “get into our heads,” and prioritize thinking and doing over feeling and being, our thoughts and actions take on a compulsive quality and our body gets tense and tight. Headaches, a clenched jaw and neck pains become all too common.
Once we are in the mindset of getting things done, it is not easy to get back to the relaxed, open state of flowing naturally. Even if we know intellectually that we should slow down, the energetics in our body might no longer cooperate.
Knowing where the energy gets stuck, meaning, being able to detect areas of tightness and tension is the first step towards distributing the energy differently. Simple movement of the hips, thighs and lower body can effectively counteract the effects of a body stuck in “go”.
Each element taught in this training provides exploration and experiential insight into your energetic habits and offers simple yet effective ways to “re-embody” and experience flow.


Coming Back to Pleasure in the Body

“How do I escape the seemingly inevitable reality of disconnection and stress, and their effects on my body, without giving up the ability to be successful and productive?” This question arises frequently whenever we teach.
The answer is to become fluent in both the world of work and stress, but to also reclaim our natural state of aliveness and pleasure. Since vitality and sensual sensations happen in and through the body, trying to think our way into them is like trying to think our way into riding a bicycle. Reading books on bicycle riding and talking about bicycle riding do not translate into sitting on a bike and knowing how to ride! Thinking and talking about reclaiming your pleasure is a start, but it does not necessarily translate into having the bodily wherewithal to open, soften, and relaxed. Physical closures, contractions, and habits are acquired through repetition can be undone by consciously practicing new patterns within your body and nervous system.
As humans, we learn through repetition. Every activity is wired into the body-mind through repeating an activity. When we learn something new, our whole system interconnects. What first felt foreign and almost impossible to do, over time and repetition becomes the pattern we use automatically.
All patterns have somatic, emotional, and mental components. Once a pattern has been learned, it is accessed automatically and becomes second nature. We can counteract existing patterns of stress and closure by learning new, simple activities that over time become the new “go-to” patterns of our body.
There are two parallel approaches. First we create awareness of tension and tightness in the body and counteract those constrictions by bringing the energy into the lower body. 
Second, we bring attention to sensual experiences that are already available. Instead of looking for outside “fixes” and stimuli, which often require even more “doing”, we can create awareness of what is already there. 


Feminine Embodiment

Embodiment has become quite the buzzword and there are many ways to define it. In this training we define it as an ability to listen to the messages the body sends and being able to keep our thinking mind, our emotions and our bodies connected and integrated.
In this context, the term “embodiment” can be understood to mean “coming back into the body.” Of course, as long as we are alive, we are always in our bodies. But that does not mean we are aware of what is happening in our body.
Embodiment is the process of becoming alive to the signals of our bodies. The awareness of the signals of the body can also be described as sensual recognition. Being with the full array of sensory and emotional perception—the sublime as well as the ugly—allows us to savor the full human experience: body, mind, and spirit – alive, open, and integrated. You will receive practices and exercises that facilitate embodiment regardless of the different level or experience of each participant. These exercises are designed to reveal each participants unique connection to her body and empower her to engage with embodiment in a deeply personal way.


Creating Meaningful Intimate Relationships

It all begins with our relationship to our own body. Before we can connect with and feel others, we need to become sensitive to and educated about our own energetic dynamics. Once you understand your own reasons for any numbness, tension, and strain that you may carry in your body, you can easily undo the related habitual body patterns and restore yourself to a state of pleasurable aliveness and sensual well-being.
From there we can connect within an intimate relationship from a place of empowerment. Being able to feel ourselves also allows us to set appropriate boundaries and with that we can be more generous when we actually want to interact.
The practices of sensitization, relaxation and full feminine expression through the body allows us to be more available, sensitive and expressed with the intimate partner of our choice. You’ll be able to play within the full range of expressions, without getting stuck in “go” mode and heady disconnect.
The practices you will engage in – and learn to facilitate –  in this training are designed to offer sensitization, relaxation and expression for each participant and in turn allow for a deeper connection to others.

Ready to join us?

Registration opens soon!

This retreat is by application only, to submit your application click the “Apply Here” button anywhere on this page.
We’ll review your submission and be in touch with next steps for registration.

Have you already applied & been accepted?
Registration for 2026 opens soon!
Learn from Michaela and Steve
About Michaela

Michaela Boehm teaches and counsels internationally as an expert in intimacy and relationships. Born and raised in Austria, Michaela combines her training in psychology and extensive clinical counseling experience with her in-depth training in the yogic arts. A gifted speaker and counselor, her unique body of work centers on the intersection of intimacy and embodiment. Known for her work with high-performing individuals, her ongoing private clients include Oscar-winning actors, multiple Grammy-winning musicians, producers, and business pioneers. Michaela is the Author of “The Wild Woman’s Way” and the founder of The Non-Linear Movement Method®, a powerful somatic release modality. Her work has recently been featured in Gwyneth Paltrow’s Netflix Show “Sex, Love & goop” and Will Smith’s bestselling memoir ‘Will’. She lives on an organic farm in California where she rescues and rehabilitates animals.

About Steve
Steve James travels internationally teaching somatic practices and meditation, as well as leading explorations in contemplative, mystic, and relational realms.In addition to private client work and public workshops, Steve is the host of the Guru Viking Podcast and has released a DVD series of his movement approach called the Movement Koan® Method, a fusion of joint-nourishing movement and body-based mindfulness. Steve’s unique range of experiences and understanding of human behaviour, high performance, spirituality, and interpersonal relationships is highly sought after by leading figures at the highest levels of the arts, entertainment, and business. In his private client practice he specializes in the unique interpersonal and strategic challenges faced by very successful and highly visible individuals. Ongoing clients include Oscar-winning actors, multi Grammy winning musicians, CEO’s, and multi-billion dollar fund managers.

A great teacher of woman’s practice

Michaela Is awesome! A great teacher of woman’s practice, taking us to new places in our bodies and hearts.  She is artful in her instruction, sensitive with feeling into her students and discerning and intelligent with her responses. She is a master of her time, passing along ancient teaching with heart and wisdom.


Deep learning experience

The Wild Woman’s Way was a very deep learning experience. I unlocked a lot in my body through the five days and thoroughly enjoyed Michaela’s wisdom, candid nature and laughter.


Michaela has so much knowledge

Michaela has so much knowledge and has clear strong boundaries, I felt in awe of her wisdom. She differently offers up a mirror for other women to dive into themselves and explore and reflect their own unique gifts to the world.


Frequently Asked Questions

WWe recommend reading Michaela’s Wild Woman’s Way book or experiencing her teaching style on a live/online class, go here to see the upcoming event schedule.

You’ll need reliable internet access, a computer, speakers or headphones, a mat or blanket and we’ll provide everything else you’ll need in your online teacher portal.

Feel free to reach out to our team at for more information.

The Wild Woman’s Circle™ is not a substitute for therapy or medical treatment. If you have a history of trauma, mental health issues or medical conditions, please consult your physician or mental health care practitioner to determine if somatic movement modalities are appropriate for you.

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